Home » Business » 6 Skills Every Aspiring and Existing Entrepreneur Must Posses

6 Skills Every Aspiring and Existing Entrepreneur Must Posses


image courtesy of :smeadvicer.com

image courtesy of :smeadvicer.com

Majority of the world’s population hungers for an enhanced form of living and If not that, maybe just having enough to make you stare at poverty from a distance while you gaze at wealth at a close range. Well, whichever approach you may take, entrepreneurship stands out handy as a tested and proven way to eke out a decent living if well practiced. However, lack of the necessary survival skills that make the best entrepreneurs has barred many from exercising this undertaking. The good news is don’t be frustrated. You have just landed at the right place with the right solution. Here is what you need:

  • Ethics and morals

Now, no code of regulation or authority will be around to filter your actions and give judgment in this undertaking. It’s solely on you to decide what you stand for, what boundaries never to cross, what’s best and not best for business amongst many other factors. Public image will play part in giving first impression hence forming the basis for your business’s reputation. No one will dare engage in business with a partner they don’t like or trust. Would you?

  • Self motivation

Are you self driven? Do you own up to your responsibilities and duties? If all your answers are no then failure is what you should be most worried about. But now I have a solution for you. First off, start by rising up early in the morning and engaging in activities that will add value either to your life or most importantly your business. Focus on your business and see it at whatever cost to completion. Be up and willing to take action and get things done.

  • Communication and persuasion

Being a perceptive communicator is a skill every entrepreneur must possess. It takes considerable patience and practice which boils down to the business conversations you have with buyers, suppliers, vendors and other clients you meet in the course of running your business. Relationships you have with your staff are also crucial. One must have the ability to resonate with other peoples thinking, listen carefully and know the right time, place and how to give responses.

  • Self confidence

As an entrepreneur you have to first believe in yourself, your product and your business. Air yourself in the world and keep a good attitude. Make peace with the fact that your product will be helpful to people and your pricing of the products is fair both to you and your client. Opinions and feedbacks will come about but make a point to appreciate them and act civilized in your responses.


  • Time management and planning skills.

Although closely related to self motivation, these are the skills every entrepreneur can’t afford to miss. It’s often said failing to plan is planning to fail. This may turnout true if you let yourself be a victim of circumstances. Make shorterm, midterm and long term plans for all your business activities. Have a to do list on a daily basis and delegate reasonable time to each activity. Time is a resource-it has money value attached to it. Make good use of your free time too by engaging in productive activities.


  • Be knowledgeable and resourceful


Knowledge is potential power and every living soul looking at entrepreneurship as the next step in life must have curiosity about information relevant to the business and life in general. One must establish solid foundation for his business based on up to date and relevant information. Reading and being informed will dig deep into your creativity and bring out of one new and unimaginable ideas. Problem solving techniques will be enhanced and one will also be at pace with all the elements of the business.


I believe the lengthy ’sermon’ has truly blessed you .The future is probably awaiting your arrival with a magnificent title- a true entrepreneur. What are you waiting for? Act and let your efforts judge you. Good luck. Feel free to share your comments below.



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