Tested, Proved and Certified Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat




Pretty dead sure in my mental network is the fact that the human being looking at this article, or reading it or probably wondering what it’s all about, must have or probably had an encounter with stubborn fat or other pieces of flesh around his entire anatomy that drove him/her up the wall anytime the thought of it flashed the mind or eyes made contact with it.

Well, the thought of being fit just feels like heaven .Add up your occasional hidden mental flicks of you basking on the beach, chiseled mid section out, Floyd Mayweather Jr passing by, grinning himself stupid and telling the stranger next to you` Yaay!!!!, now that’s the real 8pack creditor right beside you’, the feeling graduates instantly and the thought of paradise seems even more real. Unfortunately, reality sets in. You realize it’s the other you. You probably detest him/her but undisturbed and less worried he/she still sits comfortably relaxing under your skin.

I have good news for you. I can make your fantasy exist. The ugly layer of fat hanging off your hip or belly can be tamed. The sad news is majority of us have already wasted time and resources doing crunches, tight and ‘marathon’ workouts, crash dieting, slim belting and in extreme cases even popping those stray bitter and sour fat burning pills with high hopes that things will change. The honest and bitter truth is that none of those will really meet your top need- shedding belly fat. Worse, you even risk losing your vital muscle tissue, slowing down your metabolism significantly, and possibly damaging your health. Sounds bizarre. Right? Albeit you might still burn couple calories and do away with few pounds.

To bring to an end the summation of the above traumatizing experiences and others we can’t mention here, I have compiled a list of necessary and relevant techniques in relation to reducing belly fat that you should act on. Losing your belly fat needs a combination of several techniques. These techniques will burn calories, build muscle and place your body at task to pump out those “power” hormones that will drastically change how your body looks. They include:


  • Interval cardio training



This term may come off as new to most of us. But before I break it down for you, take a second and think about this ` have you been struggling to lose fat or to lose weight?’

Uncountable ways at your disposal exist on how to lose weight fast. One of them includes grabbing a power saw and cutting your fleshy leg right at the pubic joint. And there you go. A whooping 20 pounds now off your total weight. Are you happy now? Of course hell NO. You just parted with what you need most in your little life here on earth.

It’s unfortunate many of us have lost patience, the urge to work hard and most importantly the art of delayed gratification especially with the recent wave of technology and all its off-sprigs. The main point of the above illustration is that many of us have fallen victim to the “lose weight fast scams and staff” and then ended up even worse than their initial self.

You don’t need all that. Do you want to reach the peak of your fitness, health, energy and vitality through a different but this time round reliable and trusted way? If yes, then let’s get it going now.

Anyhow, what’s interval cardio? These are 4-6 challenges lasting 60-90 seconds, subjecting one to   bursts of exercise within that limited time, with rest periods in between.

The intensity of subsequent challenges ought to increase relative to the longevity of rest periods. The sole goal here is to be totally recovered and ready for each challenge for instance the common 100 meters marathon run during football practice sessions.

This type of cardio work enables your body to get the majority of energy it needs from glucose (blood sugar) and from glycogen stored in the muscles and liver, and from ATP and creatine.

Your muscles, like any automobile need `fuel’ to perform. Glucose and glycogen will act like gasoline in aiding your muscle to activity.

According to Darin Steen– a WNBF Pro Bodybuilder, jogging for fat loss, fitness and health is a myth that’s wrong and undeserving of any toleration. In all the over 25 competition he’s had, he still maintains interval cardio training up to now as his best work-out technique.

Intense set of intervals make the body burn calories for 2-4 hours after the workout compared to jogging type cardio where as soon as you done exercising ,the body too gets done burning calories. Therefore the amount calories burned from intense intervals far exceeds that of jogging type cardio.

Interval cardio also strengthens your lungs and heart. They even get bigger as a result making your heart to grow more stroke volume- how much blood it pumps out each stroke. Heart and lungs are muscles .Albeit slightly designed for some special reasons, they still have to work constantly.

Now, there you have it. Go right ahead, walk this talk and see yourself confessing your success soonest devoid of any bitter regrets. For more insight and detailed descriptions of the technique visit Cardio for Fat loss.


  • High Protein, low carb diet


The Atkins Diet, The Zone, Sugar Busters, Protein Power are just few of the notable examples of high protein, low-carbohydrate diets that have been widely promoted as effective weight-loss plans. Are you a dieter? Well, it just happens, according to these programs that 29% to 51% of your calories should emanate from proteins.

Furthermore, the American Heart Association, National Cholesterol Education Program and other societies all recommend a diet in which a smaller percentage of calories come from protein.

Proteins perform great roles in weight loss and maintenance. Not only can they preserve and build lean muscle tissue and increase the number of calories you burn during digestion, proteins also increase the amount of energy (calories) you expend each day, promoting weight loss. Additionally, they keep your blood-sugar balanced and insulin levels low whilst shedding stubborn belly fat (Diabetes care-march 2002). If you are thinking of weight loss, think of adequate amount of protein too.

It’s found in the diet in two forms:

  • Animal proteinse. in the form of beef, poultry, fish, game meat, eggs cheese and many others.
  • Plant-based proteinse. beans, lentils, soy products and others from non-animal sources.

Stick to about 20 to 25 grams of each per meal and probably 15 to 20 grams per snack, as a starter. Now, make proper and lengthy consultations with your nutritionist as you incorporate these proteins to your meal plan and make sure you select the best types. You can also read more about that by clicking The Power of Protein to fight Belly Fat.


  • Insulin Regulation

Insulin is an indispensable substance whose sole role is to process sugar in the bloodstream and transport it into the cells to be used as fuel or stored as fat.

Research shows excess intake of sugar or carbohydrates typical of our modern foods like the nutrient-poor carbohydrates such as processed foods, sugary drinks (soda included), packaged low fat foods, insufficient protein and fat intake , deficient fibre consumption all scale up the levels of insulin.

Chronically high levels of insulin can also lead to a pre-diabetic condition called metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes which generously rewards its victim with weight gain. Lack of exercise, overindulging in alcohol, stress, family related history of diabetes, high blood pressure and excess body fat are also major contributors of the above menace. Don’t punch or pinch yourself for that but if you can’t control it then just act right on the solution and save yourself the pain.


  • Abdominal Exercise


Some of the first things people catch sight of when your shirt comes off are your abs. Whether it’s a perfect well laid out six packs or a disorganized one pack, be rest assured the opinions might not be good for the ears of some. But again who doesn’t want a lean, flat, and sexy chiseled mid section that he/she can show off during pool sessions and seasons?

Good news however- there are literally 100s of different ways to work your ab muscles to satisfaction. Strong abs are extremely crucial for overall fitness, injury prevention and body aesthetics. Along with the lower back, they protect some of the most vital organs in the body while also aiding in nearly every movement.

So which abdominal exercise are the best? Well, according to fitfaq.com, hanging leg raises and Swiss ball roll-outs just make the best of ways to go about that. Not only do they provide multiple benefits when it comes to abs, they also increase functional strength and great spine stretching/lengthening. Click on the above links to see the step by step process of how to go about the exercises.


It’s highly recommended that you strike widest of smile, raise your fist in the air and bump it to your chest with the zeal of a radical after coming across such relieving information. The joy of it all is to see the end bringing you priceless joy through the means described here. I wish you good luck as you gear up for it.


To your good health


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